Jens J. Meyer
Through Space to Light
Triangles cut up the space, they are stretched like sails and turn the found place into a frame for completely new spaces. Jens J. Meyer creates a unique atmosphere with the help of filigree constructions made of tight cloths and ropes.
By playing with light, shadow and human perception, the successful artist from across the continent succeeds in decelerating the visitor and guiding him on a contemplative journey. Impressions captured on film during the artist’s voyages and projected onto the sculptural screen take the viewer with them to the sea or to South America.
This extraordinary architecture, maintained by artistic interweaving, is structured in exhibition venues around the world. Whether it is a church hall, the outdoors or contemporary glass buildings, Jens J. Meyer changes what is familiar to the eye and temporarily creates new places. This artist’s biography captures the fleeting and atmospheric work of Jens J. Meyer in writing and images, allowing the reader to travel.